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Program: Travel Health Clinics

Agency: Health Canada - BC region

Resource Number: 17666033
Provides an online listing of designated travel clinics in BC by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Travel vaccines are not covered by BC’s provincial health plan; call ahead to confirm availability and cost.

Travellers should contact a designated vaccination centre well in advance of their trip, preferably at least six weeks before travel. The type of vaccine available may vary per location.

Program Phones:
https://immunizebc.ca/immunization-basics/before-travelAlternate Website

Website: www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/travel-health/yellow-fever/vaccination-centres-canada-british-columbia.html

Program Information
Mailing Address: 301-351 Abbott Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 0G6
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Program Delivery
Languages: French, English
Application Process: See website to find a travel clinic.
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Custom fields
Service Delivery MethodWebsite
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