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Program: SeniorsBC

Agency: Ministry of Health

Resource Number: 17640358
Alternate name: BC Seniors' Guide

Provides online information for seniors, families and caregivers about government programs, services, support and benefits for older adults in BC. Topic areas include provincial and federal government programs for older adults, healthy aging, home and community care, fall prevention, health and safety, transportation, and housing.

Resources include downloadable versions of the BC Seniors’ Guide, BC Elders’ Guide, Healthy Eating for Seniors handbook, Elder Abuse Prevention information kits, and My Voice advance care planning guide and workbook.

Website: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=9671EB5EBAC740A496EC12DBE67B4426

Program Information
Mailing Address: PO Box 9825, STN Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9W4
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Program Delivery
Languages: Printed material available in French, Traditional Chinese, Punjabi, Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Documents Required: Senior's Guide: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/people/seniors/about-seniorsbc/guide/bc-seniors-guide-12th-edition.pdf
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Custom fields
Service Delivery MethodWebsite
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