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Program: BC Air Quality

Agency: Ministry of Health

Resource Number: 17640362
Provides provincial air quality advisories, resources, management, and reporting to help improve air quality and reduce negative health impacts.

Program Phones:
1-877-952-7277Toll free

Website: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=3F498C928BB74B23A2D8E90FE6804DE5
Email: bcairquality@gov.bc.ca

Program Information
Mailing Address: PO Box 9655, STN Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9P2
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Program Delivery
Languages: English
Application Process: Call the toll free phone line to report air pollution violations.
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

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Service Delivery MethodWebsite
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