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Program: 1-800-SUICIDE

Agency: Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of British Columbia

Resource Number: 17680639
Alternate name: 24-7 Distress Phone Services

Provides a confidential, 24-hour toll-free crisis line for people who are feeling suicidal, are concerned for someone who might be suicidal, or for emotional support.

Crisis line workers are able to provide intervention through emergency mental health teams or other emergency services, and may also refer callers to their local crisis centre for additional support and information.

Program Phones:
1-800-784-2433Toll Free
BC Wide
604-872-3311Greater Vancouver
1-866-661-3311Howe Sound and Sunshine Coast

Website: www.crisiscentre.bc.ca/get-support/crisis-lines/

Program Information
Program Hours:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Mailing Address: 763 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5T 1X8
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Program Delivery
Languages: By request in English, service available in over 140 languages using a language service.
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Custom fields
Service Delivery MethodTelephone
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Agency Background

Programs at Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of British Columbia

310 Mental Health Support
Crisis Centre Chat
Seniors' Distress Line
YouthInBC - Chat Line