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Program: Patients as Partners

Agency: Ministry of Health

Resource Number: 58475682
Provides an online listing of health-related supports, educational activities, and events that are available provincially and in local communities. The program supports and encourages patients, families and caregivers to participate in their own health care, decision-making about that care, and choosing their level of participation.

The program is provided in partnership with non-governmental organizations, funded partners, regional health authorities, and a variety of health-care providers.

Website: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=7565E432DF0646689C56952670B015B5

Program Information
Mailing Address: PO Box 9648, STN Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9P4
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Program Delivery
Languages: English
Application Process: See website for more information and monthly activity guide.
Service Area:
Defined coverage area:
BC -Provincewide

Custom fields
Service Delivery MethodWebsite
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